Station Name | Rose |
Station Identifier | Rose-Orange |
Latitude | 28.53772221 |
Longitude | -81.50561109 |
Dataset Type | Monitoring/Sampling Data |
Name of Data Source | LAKEWATCH Supplemental Water Quality Sampling |
Number of Water Resources Sampled | 120 |
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset) | LAKEWATCH_SUPP |
Description of Datasource | Limnological data collected from inland water bodies and river/creek stations and saline stations sampled by the Florida LAKEWATCH program |
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas | Manual transfer via Mail |
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas | Quarterly |
Date of Most Recent Data Transfer | 11/19/2024 3:07:19 PM |
Period of Record Within the Atlas | 9/15/1979 - 12/15/2011 |
Disclaimer/Use Constraints | None |
Agency Name |
Florida LAKEWATCH Univ. Fla. Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences |
Contact Name | Christy Horsburgh |
Contact Phone | 352-273-3625 |
Contact E-mail | |
Contact URL | |