Bass Lake

Bass Lake, covering 24 acres, is a lake situated in Unincorporated Orange County, with the associated WBID(s): 3168F, 3168ZB.

This waterbody is located within: Boggy Creek Watershed

14 Sampling Locations
13,342 Samples
Earliest Sample 10/27/1959
Latest Sample 01/29/2025

Water Quality

Overall Trophic State Index

The Trophic State Index (TSI) measures the biological productivity of a lake. It takes into account nitrogen and phosphorus, nutrients required by plant life, and chlorophyll, which is a measure of algae abundance. Lakes with TSI values greater than 70 typically are “eutrophic”, with an oversupply of nutrients and degraded water quality.

Limiting Nutrient Latest Value Historic Range
BALANCED 69 (fair)
65 (fair) - 71 (poor)
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples


Water Quality Trophic State Index Trophic State Classification
GOOD 0 - 59 Oligotrophic through Mid-Eutrophic
FAIR 60 - 69 Mid-Eutrophic through Eutrophic
POOR 70 - 100 Hypereutrophic

Nutrient Chemistry

Although naturally present in all surface waters, excessive nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus – are a nationwide water quality problem. They can cause overgrowth of plants that deplete the oxygen in the water needed by aquatic creatures to survive. Learn more about nutrient chemistry »

Parameter Latest Value Historic Range
Nitrogen, Total 2.12 mg/L
1.21 - 2.12 mg/L
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples
Phosphorus as P 0.09 mg/L
0.05 - 0.09 mg/L
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples
Chlorophyll a, uncorrected for pheophytin 47 µg/L
47 - 72 µg/L
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples
Chlorophyll a, corrected for pheophytin 43 µg/L
43 - 66 µg/L
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples

Water Clarity

Water clarity or turbidity measurements show the degree to which light is blocked by suspended particles such as sediment or algae. In a healthy aquatic system, sunlight is able to penetrate the water column and is available for photosynthetic plants and the creatures that depend on them. Learn more about water clarity »

Parameter Latest Value Historic Range
Secchi disk depth 2.3 ft.
1.97 - 2.3 ft.
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples
Turbidity 2.4 NTU
1.2 - 16 NTU
10/11/2012 - 6/11/2024
29 samples


Bacterial indicators for recreational waters include Fecal Coliform, Total Coliform, and Enterococcus (including E. coli). While indicator organisms themselves are not necessarily pathogenic, their presence suggests possible contamination which may result in human illness. Sources of this contamination include stormwater runoff, sewage overflows, and feces from wild and domestic animals. Learn more about bacteria »

Parameter Latest Value Historic Range
Fecal Coliform 47 cfu/100mL
3 - 240 cfu/100mL
10/11/2012 - 10/1/2019
13 samples
Total Coliform 18 cfu/100mL
18 - 200 cfu/100mL
2/12/2004 - 2/27/2007
8 samples
Escherichia coli 1 cfu/100mL
1 - 79.4 cfu/100mL
8/15/2017 - 6/11/2024
28 samples

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is one of the most important indicators of water quality. It is essential for a healthy, productive biological system and vital to the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. Learn more about dissolved oxygen »

Parameter Latest Value Historic Range
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 10.25 mg/L
5.03 - 12.3 mg/L
12/2/2024 - 1/29/2025
4 samples

Impaired Waters

This waterbody is impaired according to the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection's (FDEP) implementation of the Impaired Waters Rule (IWR). The FDEP evaluates whether waters meet their designated uses, which include aquatic life use support, primary contact and recreation use support, fish and shellfish consumption use support, and drinking water use support. Learn more about IWR Assessment »

Impairment Status


Water Body Class(es)


Water Body Type(s)


Florida also has mercury impairment statewide, its largest source being atmospheric deposition from local and global power generation. The Florida Department of Health (DOH) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection have identified over 400 waterbodies, most freshwater lakes and rivers but also some coastal/marine areas, that are impaired due to mercury found in fish tissue. Florida Fish Consumption Advisories, updated annually by the DOH, provide guidance on how to limit mercury exposure from these waters.

This waterbody is associated with the following DEP Waterbody IDs (WBIDs) and impairment statuses:

WBID Name Impairment(s) Status
3168F Lake Bass Nutrients (Chlorophyll-a) Ongoing Restoration Activities
3168F Lake Bass Nutrients (Total Phosphorus) Ongoing Restoration Activities
3168ZB Lake Conway Outlet Dissolved Oxygen (Percent Saturation) Study List


Water Levels & Flows

Hydrologic data describe physical properties of water such as how fast it is moving and how deep it is. Click the Learn More links to explore the significance of each parameter and how it is measured.

Water Levels

Water levels in Florida are seasonal, with higher levels during the state’s rainy summer and fall months. Recent water level data are shown below, along with historical and regulatory values to provide context. Learn more about lake water levels »

Water Levels NAVD88
Latest Value 92.63 ft. 3 months ago ( 12/10/2024 ) Source:
Historic Norm for Month 92.38 ft. 1959 - 2024
Historic Range 89.88 - 96.13 ft. 10/27/1959 – 12/10/2024 800 samples
FEMA Levels
  • 99.28 ft. — FEMA 100-Year Flood
Normal High Water Elevation
  • 93.55 ft. — NHWE Flood
Graphs and Data View Graph of Data Download Data

Bathymetric Maps and Depth Information

These contour maps show depth in various parts of the lake at the time the lake was mapped. Although lake depth varies over time, these maps are useful to get a sense of the relative depths of different areas of the lake. Learn more about bathymetric maps »

No Data Available

Habitats / Ecology

Lake Vegetation Index (LVI)

The LVI is a rapid bioassessment tool created by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to assess the biological condition of aquatic plant communities in Florida lakes. It utilizes a multi-metric index that evaluates how closely a lake's plant community compares to a lake containing minimal human disturbance (known as a reference lake) and is based on a field assessment of aquatic and wetland plants. Plants respond to disturbances such as the introduction of invasive exotic species (hydrilla as an example), lakeshore alterations such as creating beaches, and introduction of excess nutrients received by the surrounding watershed (use of fertilizers).

No Data Available


Find maps and waterway navigation guides, descriptions of facilities and recreational amenities, as well as warnings and restrictions pertaining to their use.


Click on a thumbnail photograph to view the full size version with credits and a description.

Bass Lake Bass Lake
Bass Lake

Credit: Aimee Krivan

Standing on north side facing southwest Standing on north side facing southwest
Standing on north side facing southwest

Credit: Aimee, Orange County Environmental Protection Division (EPD)