June 16, 2023
ORLANDO – The Florida Department of Health in Orange County has lifted the Health Alert for the presence of blue-green algae in Caywood Pond — SW Dock. This is in response to a site visit and water samples taken from the site by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
The public may resume normal activities in and around Caywood Pond — SW Dock.
Because of the fluid and organic nature of algal blooms it is possible that bloom conditions could return so the public is advised to watch for and report future algae blooms on Caywood Pond – SW Dock.
Find current information about Florida’s water quality status and public health notifications for harmful algal blooms and beach conditions by visiting ProtectingFloridaTogether.gov.
Protecting Florida Together is the state’s joint effort to provide statewide water quality information to prioritize environmental transparency and commitment to action.
May 19, 2023
ORLANDO – The Florida Department of Health in Orange County has issued a Health Alert for the presence of blue-green algae in Caywood Pond – SW Dock. This is in response to a site visit and water sample taken by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection on 05/15/2023. The public should exercise caution in and around Caywood Pond – SW Dock.
Blooms have the potential to produce toxins, and what triggers them to begin doing so remains poorly understood. For this reason, it is important to exercise caution, as bloom conditions are dynamic and could change at any time. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) collects algae samples from reported bloom locations for toxin analysis. Once completed, the results will be posted on the FDEP Algal Bloom Dashboard, and can also be viewed on the Protecting Florida Together website, where you can sign up to be notified of the latest conditions.
Residents and visitors are advised to take the following precautions:
We do not recommend that you swim, wade, use personal watercraft, water ski or boat in waters where there is a visible bloom
Avoid getting water in your eyes, nose, or mouth
You should keep pets and livestock away from the waters in this location
Eating fillets from healthy fish caught in freshwater lakes experiencing blooms is safe. Rinse fish fillets with tap or bottled water, throw out the guts and cook fish well
You should not eat shellfish from this location
Check for water quality updates on the FDEP Algal Bloom Dashboard.