UPDATE: City of Orlando lifts LAKE ALERT for Turkey Lake

May 17, 2022
LIFTED: Lake Alert for Turkey Lake
UPDATED Information - A Lake Alert for Turkey Lake was issued on May 11, 2022 for possible elevated E. coli counts due to a sanitary sewer overflow. City of Orlando Stormwater staff resampled Turkey Lake on May 16, 2022, and the results indicate the E. coli counts are within State Water Quality Standards. The warning signs are being removed today. Please resume all normal water activities associated with this lake.
Original notice below
May 11, 2022
To address citizen concerns related to water quality, the Streets and Stormwater Division has developed a public information system, "Lake Alert," to provide seasonal and localized warnings for City of Orlando lakes.
An announcement has been provided below regarding the lake(s) where water quality has been a concern.
Type of water quality concern: Possible elevated E. coli counts due to a sanitary sewer overflow
Location: Intersection of S Hiawassee Road and Lake Debra Drive
City Response: On May 11, 2022, a private, multi-family community experienced a grease blockage in their sanitary system, which caused approximately 500 gallons of sanitary waste to enter Turkey Lake. The property owner hired a contractor to remove the blockage and clean the sanitary lines to prevent another overflow. Warning signs were placed on the community property's shoreline, close to the observation deck. In addition, warning signs will be placed along the shoreline of Bill Frederick Park.
The City is advising that water contact activities associated with Turkey Lake cease until further notice, including irrigation.
City Stormwater personnel will collect water samples on a routine basis. Once E. coli counts are acceptable State Water Quality Standards, the Lake Alert Hotline number and the City's Lake Alert website will be updated.
Please continue to call the Lake Alert number, 407.246.2220, for the most up-to-date information regarding your lake.
For further information regarding the sewer discharge, please contact Chancey Springstead, Water Reclamation Compliance Program Manager, at chancey.springstead@orlando.gov.
For water quality questions, please contact Lisa Lotti, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager, at lisa.lotti@orlando.gov.