An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Orange County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

2020 CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan approved

Approval Kicks Off Utility, Local Government Requirements

The approval of the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) kicks off certain statutory requirements for utilities and local governments. Within six months following approval of the RWSP, the three water management districts are required to notify each public supply utility of the projects identified in the 2020 CFWI RWSP for utilities to consider and incorporate into their corresponding local government required water supply facilities work plan to help meet future water demands.

In addition to these utility requirements, local governments are required to adopt water supply facilities work plans, covering at least a 10-year planning period, and related amendments to their comprehensive plans within 18 months following approval of the 2020 CFWI RWSP. The work plans contain information to update the comprehensive plan’s capital improvements portion, which outlines specifics about the need for, and the location of, public facilities, principles for construction, cost estimates, and a schedule of capital improvements.

The CFWI 2020 RWSP was developed collaboratively among the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the St. Johns, Southwest and South Florida water management districts, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, public water supply utilities and other stakeholder groups.

The plan identifies existing and projected water needs as well as projects and funding sources to meet those needs in the CFWI Planning Area over the next 20 years. The CFWI Planning Area consists of all of Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Polk counties and southern Lake County, covering approximately 5,300 square miles.

The plan was approved by the governing boards of the three water management districts in November 2020. The final plan is posted on the CFWI website and the plan will be updated approximately every five years.

For questions about the utility and local government requirements, contact your districts’ government affairs staff.

Source: CFWI news release