An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Orange County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Environmental Coalition Calls for End to Subsidies for High-Risk Coastal Development

An environmental coalition on Wednesday called on the state to maintain its ban on nearshore oil drilling, to remove subsidies for high-risk coastal development and to encourage local ordinances regulating the use of fertilizer.

The Florida Coastal and Ocean Coalition says the 2010 BP oil spill demonstrated that Florida's coast is the state's "economic engine," attracting tourists and creating recreational opportunities for residents while providing habitat for numerous species of fish, birds, sea turtles and other wildlife.

The coalition of nine environmental groups on Wednesday issued a 32-page report updating its 2006 "Blueprint for Economic and Environmental Leadership." The updated report includes new issues that have arisen since 2006 including the oil spill, concerns about coastal development and the state's financial risk exposure through Citizens Property Insurance Corp.


Click here to read the full story on The Florida Current