An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Orange County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

It’s fall, ya’ll. Change those sprinklers to once a week!


Outdoor irrigation accounts for nearly half of most Floridians’ monthly water bill

PALATKA – Starting Sunday, Nov. 5, residents across the 18 counties of the St. Johns River Water Management District are urged to adjust their sprinkler systems and limit watering to no more than once a week.

As cooler weather sets in, your lawns and landscapes require far less water than during the summer months,” said St. Johns River Water Management District Executive Director Mike Register. “By reducing irrigation, we not only protect our water resources, but homeowners also have the opportunity to see savings on their water bill.”

In the District’s region, public water supply claims the largest share of water usage, totaling approximately 569.5 million gallons daily. A significant portion of this is attributed to residential consumption. Implementing improved landscape irrigation practices conserves water, enhances the overall health of landscapes, and helps protect water quality at the same time.

Overwatering can lead to various issues, including the promotion of mold and fungus, weakened grass roots, and an increased presence of weeds and undesirable insects. Additionally, excess runoff from saturated yards often carries debris, nutrients and fertilizers into natural waterways, contributing to diminished water quality.

Given the decreased water requirements of lawns in Florida’s winter months, watering restrictions have been instituted to ensure that irrigation resources are utilized efficiently. During Eastern Standard Time (early November through mid-March), landscape irrigation is limited to one day per week, according to the following schedule:

  • Saturday for addresses ending in an odd number or those without an assigned address.
  • Sunday for addresses ending in an even number.
  • Tuesday for non-residential addresses.
  • No irrigation permitted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Additional water-saving insights and resources can be found at For inspiring stories of water conservation efforts within the District, visit our Water Less Heroes series here.