Orange County Water Atlas

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Saint Johns River - Flow Data By River Segment

The table below shows water quality and/or hydrology information for this river at the individual reach segment level. Reach codes are unique identifiers maintained for each river and stream segment. The map viewer designed to display this information has been temporarily disabled due to performance issues. Until a more reliable alternative is implemented, please download the hydrography GIS data directly via the Advanced Mapping Tool and query the reach segments via a standalone GIS application such as ArcGIS Explorer.

Reach ID Data Source Station Latest
Date Historic
Historic Range Graph Trend
03080103000057 USGS_NWIS 02244040 8310 cfs 8/30/2024 6150 cfs 0.6 - 26200 cfs Graph Trend
03080103000019 USGS_NWIS 02246500 11200 cfs 8/30/2024 13183 cfs 4 - 134000 cfs Graph Trend
03080101053201 USGS_NWIS 02232000 862 cfs 8/30/2024 684 cfs 0 - 18000 cfs Graph Trend
03080101028692 USGS_NWIS 02232500 948 cfs 8/30/2024 1279 cfs -137 - 11600 cfs Graph Trend
03080101026160 WIN_21FLCEN G2CE0202 0.2 cfs 2/20/2019 0 cfs 0.2 - 0.2 cfs Graph Trend
03080101024809 USGS_NWIS 02236000 1010 cfs 8/25/2024 3042 cfs -3260 - 17100 cfs Graph Trend
03080101023813 USGS_NWIS 02232400 902 cfs 8/30/2024 1014 cfs -332 - 10700 cfs Graph Trend
03080101018665 USGS_NWIS 02234000 1820 cfs 8/30/2024 1867 cfs -310 - 14500 cfs Graph Trend
03080101012570 USGS_NWIS 02236125 3900 cfs 8/30/2024 3321 cfs -6180 - 16400 cfs Graph Trend
03080101011878 USGS_NWIS 02234500 1760 cfs 8/30/2024 2340 cfs -2160 - 17500 cfs Graph Trend
STORET_21FLGW 3515 6660 cfs 12/3/2014 3458 cfs -1350 - 6660 cfs Graph Trend
STORET_21FLGW 3557 3810 cfs 12/1/2014 1669 cfs 26 - 3810 cfs Graph Trend
*Negative values indicate backward flow due to tidal influences

To download data, visit the Data Download Tool in the Research section of the Orange County Water Resources Atlas.

To view data spatially, visit the Interactive Mapping Application of the Orange County Water Resources Atlas.

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